Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The following are guidelines for writing papers in QOUBA : Jurnal Pendidikan published by PT. HASSAN GROUP PUBLISHER. The authors are fully responsible for the content of the manuscripts written and the manuscripts are unpublished works [1]. The list of references is made sequentially starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.


Title Written with Book Antiqua Bold Font] maximum 14 words

Author1, Author2
1Department, Faculty, Institution
2Department, Faculty, Institution

City, 2email2@ *(corresponding author sign)

The title must be clear, concise, concise and informative that represents the contents of the article, maximum 14 words, 14pt font size, bold and only the first letter of the word is capitalized.

The author's name is written clearly without a title. The author's email is displayed in full, if the corresponding author is not the first author, then an * symbol can be added behind the corresponding author's email.

ABSTRACT (in English; 12 pt Book Antiqua)

These guidelines provide instructions to format your paper. Please write directly into the template or copy your finished text into it choosing ‘match destination formatting’. Please use the predefined formatting styles instead of applying your individual settings. The paper shall be written in compliance with these instructions. Please review this document to learn about the formatting of text, table captions and references. The conference proceedings will be published in an electronic format. The Abstract should be no more than 250-350 words and one paragraph only. Avoid quotation and citing references in your abstract.

Keywords: maximum 4 keywords; paper format; instructions; use of template

ABSTRACT (Bahasa; 12 pt Book Antiqua)

The abstract contains a brief description of the problem and objectives of the research, the methods used, and the results of the research. The emphasis of writing an abstract is mainly on the results of the research. The abstract is written in Indonesian and English. Abstract typing is done with single spacing with a margin that is narrower than the right and left margins of the main text. Keywords need to be included to describe the realm of the problem being studied and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the research. Keywords can be single words or a combination of words. The number of keywords is 3-5 words. These keywords are needed for computerization. The search for research titles and abstracts is made easier with these keywords.

Keywords: maximum 4 keywords; paper format; instructions; template

INTRODUCTION (Book Antiqua, size 12, 1 space)

The introduction section mainly contains: (1) research problems; (2) insight and problem-solving plans; (3) formulation of research objectives. This section sometimes also contains hopes for the results and benefits of the research.

For articles that will be published in the IHSAN e-journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, the detailed rules for the article format follow the provisions for the article format in the e-journal. The article format in this Guideline Book is a general format agreed upon for the IHSAN e-journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, which is the surrounding style of the IHSAN e-journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam.

The template for this article format is created in MS Word 2007, and then saved in rtf format. This article format template file can be downloaded at This template allows article authors to prepare articles according to the rules relatively quickly and accurately, especially for the needs of electronic articles uploaded to the IHSAN ejournal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam.

METHOD [12 pt. Book Antiqua Bold, 1 space)

Basically, this section explains how the research was conducted. The main materials of this section are: (1) research design; (2) population and sample (research targets); (3) data collection techniques and instrument development; (4) and data analysis techniques. For research that uses tools and materials, it is necessary to write the specifications of the tools and materials. The tool specifications describe the sophistication of the tools used while the material specifications describe the types of materials used

For qualitative research such as classroom action research, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, and others, it is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, informants who helped along with the methods of collecting research data, location and duration of research and descriptions of checking the validity of the researcher's results

It is better to avoid organizing writing into "sub-headings" in this section.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION [12 pt. Book Antiqua Bold, 1 space]

This section is the main part of the research article and is usually the longest part of an article. The research results presented in this section are "clean" results. Data analysis processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes do not need to be presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of the hypothesis testing need to be reported. Tables and graphs can be used to clarify the presentation of research results verbally. Tables and graphs must be commented on or discussed

For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of sub-topics that are directly related to the focus of the research and categories. The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the formulation of the problem and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) link the research findings to the established knowledge structure; and (5) give rise to new theories or modifications to existing theories

In answering the formulation of the problem and research questions, the research results must be concluded explicitly. Interpretation of the findings is carried out using logic and existing theories. Findings in the form of reality in the field are integrated/linked to the results of previous research or to existing theories. For this purpose, there must be references. In generating new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, some may need to modify the theory of the old theory.

Figures and Tables [12 pt. Book Antiqua Bold] Place the table label above the table, while the figure label is at the bottom of the figure. Write a specific table specifically, for example Table 1 etc. 

CONCLUSION [12 pt. Book Antiqua Bold, 1 space]

The conclusion is the final part of an article that describes the conclusion of a problem that has been discussed. The conclusion is written clearly and relevant to the problem being discussed.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [12 pt. Book Antiqua Bold, 1 space] If Any

Acknowledgements can be conveyed to the sponsor or funding party, also to the parties involved in the research and loved ones (avoid flowery thanks) and thanks to IHSAN: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam.

REFERENCES [12 pt. Book Antiqua BOLD, All CAPS ]

(Arial, size 12, space 1) The list of references is arranged alphabetically using the Mendeley reference management format for writing APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) and using references for a maximum of the last 10 years, the number of references is at least 20 references (80% articles and 20% books). It is better to use the latest published journal references.